5 Beautiful Images of a Majestic Siberian Tiger Getting Absolutely Beaned by a Snowball

A lovely, silly image captured at just the right moment

Jack Shepherd
2 min readFeb 2, 2022
All photos: Riku

Nature is a beautiful mystery and a photographer with the right eye can pay homage to its endless variety by patiently waiting for precious moments like the morning sun catching dew drops on a marigold, or a pronghorn fawn frolicking with her siblings. But it’s widely known that the real sweet spot — the holy grail of the nature photograph—is if you can capture the exact moment when a majestic Siberian tiger gets absolutely beaned by a giant snowball. I’m talking about that special, once-in-a-lifetime shot of a magnificent and fearsome mountain cat getting completely bombarded by a bucketful of snow right on his funny, furry face.

And that’s exactly what the Japanese photographer Riku recently managed to do, photographing this gorgeous and hilariously playful Siberian tiger at the very moment that he picked a fight with a snow-covered tree branch and lost. It’s a lovely series that brings out a kittenish, curious side of this majestic animal. You can find more of Riku’s wonderful photos of big cats on his Instagram page.



Jack Shepherd

I have a newsletter about crossword puzzles and a podcast about rom-coms. Formerly editorial director @BuzzFeed. Email: JackAShepherd at gmail